I am at a music festival of sorts. I am walking around. Everything seemed quite trippy and psychedelic. There are very large mushrooms everywhere. It is the middle of the day and bright but there seems to be a lot of shade and the air isn’t too hot. I am sitting on top of a large red and white mushroom (something you might find in a fairy tale or children’s book).
I hear people screaming in the distance and see what looks like an inside out rat running around the grounds. A rather large one at that. Its skin is pink and oozing fluid.
I somehow know it is demonic and could be the devil himself.
I remember jumping down off the mushroom and running. I see this rat from a distance transform into a ginormous beast-like creature. It am black and hairy like a bull. It stands and walks on its hind legs. It has large horns. I know it is the devil. I am not religious so it is strange knowing this. I have been dreaming about the devil in many forms that week. It is all totally bizarre to me.
I remember feeling terrified and that I need to escape and get away. I am running through this festival as far away from this beast as possible. There are dirt roads and it feels like a Western film set with little saloons and wooden buildings intentionally placed on either side of this one dirt road which I choose to run down. There may have been tumble weed in my dream as well.
I am confused but also know where I am strangely enough. I know at some point while running away, that this devil is not looking for anyone other than me. I try to run faster.
I can sense him close behind me. I can hear his hooves. I find a warehouse of sorts and turn left into its big wooden doors and hide behind some boxes or hay. I am shaking.
I have my eye on the wooden doors and see him stop outside them. He opens them up and starts using his nose to sniff me out. He finds me eventually and the next thing I know, I am on top of him making love to him. I don’t want to. It feels very wrong but I am under some kind of spell.
Attending to the dream:
Sieve through the grand emotions to hear what needs to be done. With a single-minded focus, find a necessity. If I am afraid, how can I find courage to face the situation and transform it?