“Scores for dancing” contain movement practices, dancing scores and improvisation prompts weaving dreaming and waking realities. They stem from my teaching and mentoring practice, as well as an on-going learning process in “The School of Images” with Catherine Shainberg, and with Bonnie Buckner. Next to some of them you will see initials, pointing to the key collaborators and/or teachers, who have inspired this particular aspect of the work.
Exercises in this section help you to strengthen and broaden your attention, become aware of an ongoing dialogue between dreaming and waking realities, and support you in being present to yourself, others, and the world. From the expanded place of all possibilities, you will learn to weave your movements into patterns and choreographies, and to reflect upon the way they may be received by the audience. The scores are arranged from: sensation into image, images into storyline, patterns across images, question to go beyond the apparent reading, dream as dramaturgy and audience perspective: inner image and outer image. Each section contains selected scores and exercises that elaborate on the subject in an experiential, embodied way.
You are always somewhere.
Once you start, it never stops.
Keep what you are doing at the centre of your attention.
Work with what is presencing itself and respond to its necessity.
Images arise from the body. Do not search for them outside of yourself. Return to noticing sensations within your embodied experience. Anything is a sensation: rubbing, throbbing, vibration, heat or cold, smoothness or hardness of the floor. How do you describe this particular sensation? How does it look like? What is its texture, colour? Where is it in your body? What shifts when you plunge into this image and embody it? How is the rhythm of your movement? How does the feeling of space change?
Allow yourself to be lost. Rest in the place of not knowing until you notice something raising up to your awareness: sensation, feeling, imagination, movement, space. If you still don’t know what you are doing: return to noticing the breathing and your weight.
AM – Andrew Morrish
BB – Bonnie Buckner
COL – Colette Aboulker-Muscat
CS – Catherine Shainberg
RC – Rosalind Crisp