Choose three images / events from the map and name them
Move between the three, applying all the tools, allow all that you do not know to become present
Pay attention to transitions
Transition as a place of potential
Hold the space between where you are coming from and where you are going to
Delay the transition
How do you take yourself from A to B? Do you slide in fade out fall into find yourself in something jump cut slip into leave behind leap forward?
Experiment with different ways of staying with something and moving on
Tell diverse movement stories to your partner
Report everything what is happening in your body
Report every minute change, shift, movement
Report as the things are happening, not before and not after
Variation 1
Play with the timing of moving / reporting
Play with voice
Variation 2
With a partner
Doer moves with eyes open and reports everything what they do
Witness has their eyes closed and follows the reporting physically
The aim is not to teach the other a phrase or get it right
What is it then?
Try out: the doer having their eyes closed, the witness eyes open
What opportunities for choice making do open eyes bring?
How can you engage with space and with time?
Change roles
Variation 3
With a partner
Doer moves with eyes open and reports everything what they do physically, on the level of actions, movements, materiality of the body
Witness has their eyes closed and follows the reporting
Change roles
Variation 4
Doer moves with eyes open and reports everything what happens in their imagination
Witness has their eyes closed and follows the reporting physically
Change roles
Variation 5
Doer moves with eyes open or closed and reports everything what they do both on the level of action and imagination
Witness has their eyes open or closed and follows the reporting physically
Change roles whenever you want to
Can you build a story together?
Variation 6
With a partner
Anyone of you at any time can decide to witness, become the doer or / and the reporter
One role is in the foreground
The roles shift as often as you want
Can you build a story together?
How does this story live in space?
Breathing a word (After AM)
Exhale through your mouth as you are pouring your weight
Rest on inhales
Allow the breath to sound
Add vowels
Add consonants
Add syllables
Allow the words to form
If you know the word before it sounds, allow it to shift
The form can change in middle of the formation
Can you get surprised by the words that come from your mouth?
Variation 1
Listen to other people in the space
Can you connect respond join in fill in the gap become part of the choir?
What is the sounding landscape you create?
What is its texture
Variation 2
Find one person with whom you sound at the same time
Experiment with sounding as individuals
Becoming one body
There is no leader nor the follower
You share voice vowels consonants syllables words
Do you create a meaning?
Do you face the same direction?
Do you move in space?
Improvise with any of the tools
Draw the map of your journey
Write down types of movies: drama, horror movie, comedy, action movie, documentary, etc.
Dance your map as a drama, as a horror movie, as a comedy…
How do the qualities of your dancing change?
Pay attention to spacing, rhythm,accents, textures, emotionality
When you have finished an improvisation, see everything that you have done as if it was a movie in which you are starring in the main role. See the film in reverse, from the last thing you did until the first one.
Map 1
Place your pen down somewhere on a piece of paper, and let it move
Keep moving on without lifting your pen
When a memory of the experience arises in the body, depict it through the movement of your pen. How does the memory of the experience change the timing of your movement, space, texture, turns abstraction into a recognizable drawing, into a word, emotion?
Allow for the moments of not knowing when the pen is moving, you are always somewhere. Where are you NOW?
When finished, find a partner and place the pen somewhere on the map and begin describing your journey. Speak to where you are, what you feel, what you think, what you do; keep passing by in the landscape of your map describing what you sense, feel, think and do. Do it in the present tense.
Allow for the blending of imaginary and waking realities
Allow for the blending of the time and the space
Partner is listening and noticing what arises in the realm of their body
Map 2
Place the pen down somewhere on the piece of paper with a memory of a concrete experience
Feel it now in your body and find a visual way to depict it on your map
It has a beginning and an end
Find another place and depict the second image-memory, as you are drawing it, feel it in your body
When done, tour guide the partner through your map
Partner is listening and observing what arises in the realm of their body
Map 3
After an improvisation, start automatic writing – in the present tense – about your experience
Depict sensations, feelings and emotions, thoughts, and actions
When writing establishes itself, shift from writing as meaning into writing as form and further into inviting images and abstract forms to infiltrate the writing
Shift completely to drawing a map, allowing the words to open up for the flow of images
Read your map to your partner, use the written words and the drawings to speak freely
Partner is listening and observing what arises in the realm of their body
Map 4
Lay out the map in the physical space, walk with the partner through the actual space and describe what you are sensing, feeling, thinking, and doing (mapping the map in 3D)
Observe the images you have placed in the space from different perspectives without doing them
Shift from describing to describing moving and then moving without words
Partner is listening and observing the movement, while observing what arises in the realm of their body
Map 5
As you have just mapped your map in 3D reality, and you are moving silently through it, your partner joins you
They double everything you do, slowly taking over your movement
They continue moving and you shift to witnessing the dance
What do you notice?
Map 6
Follow any of the above-mentioned ways of drawing maps
Your partner and not you re-enters the map from the beginning, and moves with it
What new perspective do they offer to your own exploration?
Map 7
You have drawn your map
You have danced it and watched your partner work with it
Step into the map again to amplify whatever you want to amplify, making a choice to curve these images in space