Having drawn the map, notice what attracts your attention.

Choose 3 images that call you.

Revisit physically these images.

There is something you know about them, and there is something that remains unknown. Use what you know as a starting point, a place of rest and return. Implement curiosity to discover what you do not know yet.

What pleasures does revisiting bring? What challenges does it pose?

When finished, return to your map and write down – in a form of hyperlinks – what new information you have obtained from the images. 

Name the images.

Choose one image, choose a time frame and move with the image. 

Draw your journey.

Tell the journey to your partner in the present tense.

Partner notices what words repeat in the description.

Verbs create movement.

Doer picks up one of the repeating words and moves with it, developing a movement pattern.

Where does it take you?

The movement pattern is returned to the original dreamer.

What do you notice? Is it something you want to grow, or change? If change, how do you transform it?

Move with an image.

Notice what repeats in your movement: spacing, space within the body, direction, rhythm, texture.

Choose one of the aspects and work through them to weave a pattern around an image.

Where does it want to take you?

Does it expand you or constrict you?

If it constricts you, ask yourself, what is its opposite?

What needs to be done for me to move there?

When I transform to the opposite, what changes?

Work with a simple opposition, e.g. going down and standing up, moving and stopping, being quick and being slow.

Which body part leads the movement?

Where does the movement happen in space? 

Observe and engage with its rhythm and pacing.

Observe and play with its texture.

Observe how you relate to it: how does it make you feel?

Prolong the in between planes – between going down and up, between moving and stopping, being quick and being slow. What changes when you master duality?

Integrate all orientation points and let them change, as in a kaleidoscope.

Work with a simple pattern, e.g. raising and sinking, going down and standing up.

Observe the rhythm / pace.

Which body part leads (space in the body).

Physical space in the room (where does it happen?).

Observe and play with texture.

Observe the relationship: how do I feel about it?

Prologue the in between plane – horizontal.

Integrate it all and play with them, see what arises.


Draw a map.

Walk the map and describe it to your partner, in the present tense.

Choose three places that attract your attention.

Reenter them.

Choose three images from your map.

Move between them observing the space of transitions.

How can you expand the space in between the images?

How do you move to the next image? Do you jump, plunge, throw yourself into it?

Do you know where you move to or you fall into the unknown?

Do you notice when the image unfolds? Through a physical position, a texture, a rhythm, a space, a feeling? Do you notice “a portal to change” when it opens up?

How do you leave the previous image? Do you drop it, abandon it, gently slide away, slip away, put aside, fade away.

Do you stay with something and let it transform?

Do you carry it to a new space? New time? Build a new relationship to it? 

Do you amplify it? Saturate your whole body with the sensation?

Does the next image surprise you with its appearance?

Do you choose it or does it choose you?

Repeat a transition and do it in a different way. Yet a different way. And another way to change.

Take a moment to reflect upon your understandings.

Partner work.

In a duet, one person moves, the other is a witness. As a witness, give your partner time to settle in their dancing. After one minute or so, gently prompt your partner to: “Stay with that”, “Leave that,” “Stay with that and saturate the whole body.” 

What is the “that” that one stays with? 

What space opens up in between the movements?

After you are done, take time to reflect with your partner what it is you stayed with, and what you have left. How many “thats” can you find? 

What pleasures does staying with something bring?

What pleasures lie in leaving?

It is done altogether.

Before you begin moving, pause.

When you notice your attention fades, pause.

When you do not know what to do, pause.

In the pause, notice your body: sensations, feelings, textures.

Trace where you are coming from.

See where you are going to – what space opens up from the place of pause.

When an impulse arises from the body, start moving again.

When you finish, pause and see everything that you have as if it was a movie with you starring the main role in it. See it from the last scene until the first one.